Monday, 25 July 2011

Work Experience at Halewood Arts Association

The past fortnight we have been very lucky to have a student from Halewood Centre for Learning working alongside us. Rachel has been assisting with the arts administration, the Junior Artists club, helping to update the blog and also working alongside one of our other volunteers Sophie and her company Strange Case Collective.

Rather than having us type out what it is Rachel is interested in and what she has enjoyed this week, we thought we'd give her the opportunity to write up her own blog post for the website... We would like to begin this post by saying a huge thank you to Rachel as she has helped out a lot over the past two weeks and fit in perfectly with Halewood Arts Association. I will hand over now to Rachel...

In the past two weeks I have learnt a lot about the bushiness side of art, I wanted my work experience to be art related because it is something I have always enjoyed, currently take it as a subject in school and want as an aspect in my future. The people of Halewood Arts have been openly friendly and helpful in advising about a number of things like; making contacts and networking, organising events and possible career options.

I had the option to work with Sophie in panting props for a live music event threshold heavy with her company; Strange Case Collective. guitars shown here:

Me helping to paint one of the guitars

The frets were my idea.

Overall it has been a very valuable experiences. Ive enjoyed working with the greatt kids; who are so friendly and well behaved, learning more about the community and taking part in Strange Case Collective. Couldn't have been with better people.. THANK YOU!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Summer break for the Junior Artists Club

Last week was the last Junior Artists Club before our summer break so we thought we would do a blog post showing some of the wonderful work that has been produced over the last couple of months and also some of the fun we've had. If any of the Junior Artists Club are reading over this we would just like to say we've had a wonderful year, we hope you have a lovely Summer and to the ones who are not going to be coming back after Summer, it was wonderful to teach you for so long!
One of our, lets get everything out and get messy weeks!

Bug Box Designs
Circle of Smudge, Maddie

Our gigglers, Jennifer and Zoe. With a more creative bug adventure park
One of the many motivational games we like to end the JAC with
Amy exploring one of the installations within the Bridewell from our trip around The Biennial
One of our favourite parts of The Biennial
Lewis with his Jelly Fish lantern during the Liverpool Lantern Parade
Charlie, also with a Jelly Fish Lantern she had made
The week lovely artist Karen came in.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Something fun this Summer...

We hope our wonderful Junior Artists Club are checking up on the blog for Summer updates :D and now that we have finished for summer, if you are looking for something creative to get involved in then look no further than Sweet Summer!

Exciting Arts Projects in Knowsley THIS SUMMER!

Sweet Summer is a dance, drama, music, mask, film and puppetry extravaganza for children and young people and it’s happening right here – in Knowsley!

Projects for 7 – 11 year olds:
8th, 9th & 10th August @ Kirkby Sports Centre for Learning, Bracknell Avenue, L32 9PP
15th, 18th & 19th August @ Halewood Centre for Learning, The Avenue, L26 1UU
 24th, 25th, 26th August @ St Edmund Arrowsmith Centre for Learning, Cumber Lane, L35 2XG

A mix and match of drama, puppetry, mask, singing and more
10am – 3pm / Only £1.50 per day

Projects for 12 – 18 year olds:
2nd, 3rd, 4th August @ Kirkby All Saints Centre for Learning – get involved in drama and music
16th, 17th, 18th August @ Knowsley Park Centre for Learning – make a film in 3 days!
23rd, 24th, 25th August @ Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning – enjoy drama & dance

Three intensive performance projects. Come to one, or come to them all!
10am – 3pm / Only £1.50 per day

For more information on any of the projects above please call
0151 443 5619 or 0151 443 0333.

Sweet Summer is a Knowsley Arts & Heritage Service Project delivered in partnership with Altru Drama.

All Altru Drama staff and Knowsley KMBC staff have enhanced CRB disclosures

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Rosie The Scarecrow

If you live in the Halewood area you may have noticed the arrival of a lot of new residents around and about... The Halewood Culture Festival this year included a Scarecrow trail. Carole of Halewood Arts ran a number of workshops throughout Halewood giving residents the chance to make their own scarecrows and be included in the trail.

Of course our wonderful Junior Artists Club wanted to contribute to this and Rosie was made. The JAC have a passion for creating environmentally friendly art work and wanted to create an environmentally friendly scarecrow. Rosie has been on display at the front of The Environment Centre and the Junior Artists have become very attached to Rosie.

Have you spotted Rosie when driving past The Environment Centre?

We then ran a session in which the children could do some drawing outside, making the most of the lovely weather we have had recently. 

We then decided to ask the JAC, "What did Rosie do next?" and like always some of the drawings and stories the children came up with where great! Here is an example of some of the work.

Rosie went through the flowers and they got on her for life

Rosie went to a JLS concert
Rosie The Scarecrows Life, Written by Zoe and Illustrated by  Jennifer

The story that went with this drawing - "Rosie was chasing the cat, to put her in the bin"

We are very proud of the work the JAC produced as always, do you have any pictures or stories about the other scarecrows you have seen around Halewood?